Hello Room 9 followers :)

We are so sorry we haven't updated our page in awhile, Miss Meredith was experiencing technical difficulties accessing her photos.. Oopsie!!
But we are all sorted now and would like to share a few highlights of our wonderful Term 2 with you.

Zero Waste

We were lucky to have Zero Waste visit and teach us all about the importance of reusing and recycling. We learnt how to make our very own compost in a plastic bottle. Hopefully you have seen our finished products and have your own compost up and running at home. If not, feel free to ask us how - we are experts now!

Middle Syndicate trip to the Auckand Museum

  We had an amazing trip to the Auckland Museum, where we learnt all about different Myths and Legends. Boy oh Boy was there A LOT to look at. We all had a blast. Here are a some photos.


 We have been learning about the 

seven stars of Matariki. To celebrate Matariki, we had a school Hangi and performance night. We loved watching the Hangi pit being made and the Kai cooking. For many of us this was a new experience. We were super lucky to have Terina's whanau helping with the Hangi and of course making that delicious Fry Bread, yum yum yum!! It was wonderful having our very own Hangi expert Terina, to teach us all about it. Here are some photos the Hangi being prepared, Terina's whanau and our Kapa Haka group on the night.

We hope you have enjoyed this brief snapshot into Term Two.


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